Mount Hood from above Veda Lake

Veda Lake Stats:

  • Distance: 8.8 miles out and back

  • Elevation Gain: 1,500 feet

  • Trailhead elevation: 3,582 feet

  • Trail high Point: 4,789 feet

  • Season: June – October

  • Best: June – October 

  • Pass: none needed for day use

  • GPS Track: July 2021

  • On the traditional lands of: the Cascades and Molalla peoples


  • From wherever you are, drive to Sandy.

  • Drive 30.5 miles from the east end of Sandy and through Government Camp to a junction on the right signed for the Trillium Lake Sno-Park.

  • Turn right and drive 1.7 miles to a junction. Turn left onto FR 2656 here at a sign for the Salmon River Trail #742.

  • ·Drive 1 mile of pavement and turn right onto FR 309 at an open, rusty gate.

  • Drive this narrow gravel road for 2 miles to a narrow turnaround at road’s end. This is the trailhead.

  • During the summer months you will almost certainly encounter a stop sign on the road to Trillium Lake, staffed by one or multiple concessionaires. Unless you are also planning to visit Trillium Lake, explain to the concessionaire that you are driving to a trailhead past the lake, and they will let you drive by without needing to pay the day use fee for Trillium Lake.

  • Drivetime from Portland: 80 minutes

Cascade Lilies (also known as Washington Lilies) on the Veda Lake Trail

Veda Lake, July 2021

Hike: While not generally spectacular, the trek over Dry Fir Ridge to Veda Lake south of Mount Hood is lovely most of the time. You’ll hike through a pleasant forest of fir and beargrass, uphill at a very gradual grade to a spectacular view of Mount Hood, and down to secluded Veda Lake.

Set out on the Dry Fir Trail at a gradual rate, and before long you’ll enter deep woods. Climb gradually via a long series of switchbacks. After a long but easy climb, you’ll top out. Look for views of Mount Jefferson through the trees. Soon you’ll reach the Veda Lake Trailhead on Kinzel Road – a rough, rocky dirt track you should probably avoid unless you have a high-clearance vehicle and a lot of time on your hands. There are a few rudimentary campsites here.

Cross the road and locate the Veda Lake Trail. You’ll climb steeply uphill to a pass, and then set out downhill. A short side trail leads to a spectacular view of Mount Hood, towards across the valley and Government Camp. Follow the trail downhill from here, passing Cascade Lilies and beargrass. You’ll reach Veda Lake at a little over 4 miles from the trailhead. Follow the trail around the lake to campsites.

Return the way you came.